Security Measures of Phantom Wallet

Phantom Wallet places a strong emphasis on security to protect users' assets and ensure a safe and reliable experience. Some of the security measures implemented by Phantom Wallet include:

1. Secure Private Keys

Phantom Wallet generates and stores private keys locally on users' devices, enhancing security by reducing the exposure to online threats.

2. Password Protection

Users are required to set a secure password during wallet creation. This password is essential for accessing the wallet's features and conducting transactions.

3. Recovery Phrase

Phantom Wallet provides users with a recovery phrase during wallet creation. This phrase serves as a backup in case users forget their password or lose access to their wallet. It's crucial to store this recovery phrase securely.

4. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

For an additional layer of security, Phantom Wallet offers the option to enable 2FA. Users can link their wallet to a 2FA app for enhanced protection against unauthorized access.

5. Regular Updates and Audits

Phantom Wallet undergoes regular updates and security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. These measures ensure that the wallet remains resilient to emerging threats.